Also known as gyrocopters, autogyros, or rotaplanes, gyroplanes are a type of rotorcraft that use an unpowered rotor wing in autorotation to develop lift, and an engine-powered propeller, similar to that of a fixed wing aircraft, to provide thrust. While similar to a helicopter rotor in appearance, the gyroplane's rotor must have air flowing through the rotor disc to generate rotation.
Gyroplane Facts:
Amazingly stable, turbulence and wind have little or no effect on gyroplanes so there's no bouncing around.
Minimal take off distances, typically 30-300 feet depending on weather conditions and load.
Very short landing distances, typically 0-30 feet.
Wide range of speed including very slow speeds safely possible.
Gyroplanes cost about 10% of a helicopter to own yet can accomplish about 90% of what a helicopter can do.
Unlike a helicopter, gyroplanes cannot hover or take off and land vertically.
Our gyroplanes will not stall or spin. In the unlikely event of an engine failure, the pilot can easily glide down and make a gentle landing under full control.